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Shengwu Hu

Date:2017-10-26     hits:


  Shengwu Hu,male,born in July 1966 in Zhashui, Shaanxi,China. Professor in Genetic and Plant Breeding, Northwest A&F University. July 2003, Ph. D in Crop Genetics and Breeding, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University. July 1990, M.S. in Vegetable Breeding, Northwestern Agricultural University. July 1987, B.S. in Hortiscience, Northwestern Agricultural University. Sept 1990, employed in Northwest A&F University.

  Areas of Research

  Plant breeding of canola/rapeseed (B. napus); Plant breeding of herbicide resistant canola; Plant breeding of hybrid canola; Breeding methodology studies in canola/rapeseed; Quantitative genetic studies in canola/rapeseed

  Curriculum offered

  Offered Theory and Technology of Crop Heterosis, Cytobiology, Special topic on crop genetics and breeding, for graduate students in college of agronomy.

  Funds and Scientific Achievements

  PIs for more than 10 scientific research projects. Hybrid variety Shaanyou 803,passed China national variety trial(Huanghuai Regional, 2010-2012, Guoshenyou 2012011). Won one third-class award of Scientific and Technological Progress of Shaanxi Province.

  Representative Publications

  In total, 92 papers were published, including 75 papers in journals such as BMC Genomics, TAG, Plos One, Euphytica, Agronomy J, Crop Sci., GRARE, and so on, 8 papers in conference, and 9 abstracts (*,Corresponding author).

  [1]Huang QX,Xin XY,Guo Y,Hu SW* . Cytological observation of anther structure and genetic investigation of a new type of cytoplasmic male sterile 0A193-CMS in Brassica rapa L. Plant Breeding, 2016, doi:10.1111/pbr.12416

  [2]Tian HY, Channa SA, Hu SW*. Relationship between genetic distance, combining ability and heterosis in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Euphytica, 2017,213:1. Doi 10.1007/s 10681-016-1788-x

  [3]Li ZJ, Zhang PP,Lv JY, Cheng YF, Cui JM, Zhao HX*, Hu SW*. Global dynamic transcriptome programming of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) anther at different development stages. PLOS ONE. 2016, 11(5): e0154039. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154039

  [4]Li ZJ, Cheng YF, Cui JM, Zhang PP, Zhao HX*, Hu SW*. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals carbohydrate and lipid metabolism blocks in Brassica napus L. male sterility induced by the chemical hybridization agent monosulfuron ester sodium. BMC Genomics. 2015, 6:206,DOI: 10.1186/s12864-015-1388-5

  [5]Tian HY,Channa SA, Hu SW*. Heterotic grouping and the heterotic pattern among Chinese rapeseed accessions (Brassica napus L.). Agronomy Journal. 2015, 107(4):1321-1330

  [6]Cheng YF, Wang Q, Li ZJ, Cui JM, Hu SW*, Zhao HX*, Chen MX. Cytological and comparative proteomic analyses on male sterility in Brassica napus L. induced by the chemical hybridization agent monosulphuron ester sodium. PLOS ONE. 2013, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0080191.


  College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University,

  Yangling, Shaanxi, China

  Zip Code:712100


  E-mail:swhu83251@nwsuaf.edu.cn/ <mailto:swhu83251@nwsuaf.edu.cn/> hushengwu@hotmail.com

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