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Xiyuan Hu

Date:2017-10-26     hits:


  Xiyuan Hu,Male,born in Lantian China 1963, Professor of College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, B.Ag.Sc. Northwest Agricultural University, 1985, M.Ag.Sc., Northwest Agricultural University,1997, M.Ag.Sc., Göttingen University in Germany,1999, Ph.D., Martin-Luther University in Germany, 2002.

  Research fields

  Crop production, Biostatistics, Quantitative genetic

  Teaching courses

  Crop production, Experiment design and analysis, Data analysis in computer

  Performance of eBLUP in Variety Evaluation of Regional Rape Trials in China

  Academic achievements

  In the past, Dr Hu has completed a number of projects, including “Analysis of field trials using mixed linear models with spatial variance-covariance structures”, a project from National Natural Science Foundation of China, “Suitable models assessment for field trials through simulation”, a project from Ministry of Education; “Application of BLUP in line evaluation of crop breeding”, a project from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), “Application of linear mixed models with spatial covariance in agriculture resource assessment”, a project from Northwest Agricultural University, etc. He was awarded as the fifth award of Science and Technology of China in 2003.

  More than 40 scientific papers have been published by Dr. Hu in Journals such as “Field Crops Research”, Crop Science”, “The Journal of Statistics in Agriculture and Environments Science ‘Journal of Crop” etc. He has written or co-written 4 books: SAS and Statistic Analysis, Experiment Design and Data Analysis, Computer Technique in Agriculture, Application of SAS in Agriculture Science.


  1. Ren Changhong,Gesang Quzhen,Hu Xiyuan. The performance of eBLUP in rape variety evaluation of regional trials. 2017, 43(3): 371-37

  2. Hu Xiyuan. A comprehensive comparison between ANOVA and BLUP to valuate location-specific genotype effects for rape cultivar trials with random locations. Field Crops Research, 2015, 179: 144-149 (IF of SCI 2.976)

  3. Li Shuanliang, Ren Changhong, Gesang Quzhen, Zhao Zongcai, Zhang Zongjuan, Hu Xiyiuan*. Effect of No-tilled Wide Planting Pattern on Growth,Yield and Quality of Winter Wheat. Journal of Triticeae Crops, 2015, 35 (1): 75-80

  4. Gesang Quzhen, Pub Ciren,Hu Xiyuan*. Effect of climate change on yield potential of crops in Tibet. Agricultural Research in Arid Areas, 2015, 33(2): 266-271

  5. Hu Xiyuan. Combined yield comparison and stability evaluation of rape genotypes using the mixed model. Field Crops Research, 2014, 167: 11-18 (IF of SCI 2.976)

  6. Hu Xiyuan*, Yan Shiwei, Li Shuanliang. The influence of error variance variation on analysis of genotype stability in multi-environment trials. Field Crops Research, 2014, 156: 84-90 (IF of SCI 2.976)

  Contact Information

  Post address: Dr Hu Xi-Yuan, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, No.3, Taicheng road, Yangling, Shaanxi, P. R. China

  Zip Code: 712100

  Tel: (+86)-029-87082205(Office)

  E-mail:  xiyuanhu@aliyun.com, huxiyuan@nwsuaf.edu.cn


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