Curriculum Vitae
Professor Weixing Shan, PhD
Contact information
Dean, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University,
3 Taicheng Road, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, P. R. China
Phone +86-29-8708 2990
Fax +86-29-8708 0062
Research area
Potato late blight
Molecular basis of compatible plant-Phytophthora interaction
Effector biology
Plant immunity
1995 Ph.D in Plant Pathology, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, and Institute of Genetics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
1992 Master of Agronomy in Plant Pathology, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, China.
1989 Bachelor of Agronomy in Plant Protection, Northwestern Agricultural University, Yangling, China.
Professional Experience
2016.07-current, Professor and Dean, College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China.
2006.04-2016.06, Professor of Plant Pathology, College of Plant Protection, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, China.
2001.05-2006.03, Research Fellow, Plant Cell Biology Group, Research School of Biological Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.
1996.01-2001.04, Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Plant Pathology, University of California at Davis, California, USA.
Editorial Board
2011-current: Review Editor, Frontiers in Plant Science.
2015-2018: Member of Editorial Board, Acta Phytopathologica Sinica.
2017-2022: Member of Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Biotechnology.
Honors and Awards
Changjiang Professorship, Ministry of Education (2015-2019).
Recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, National Natural Science Foundation of China (2012-2015).
Publications in international journals
1.Kale, S. D., Gu, B., Capelluto, D. G. S., Dou, D., Feldman, E., Cronin, A., Arredondo, F. D., Fudal, I., Rouxel, T., Lawrence, C. B., Shan*, W., and Tyler*, B. M. 2010. External lipid PI3P mediates entry of eukaryotic pathogen effectors into plant and animal host cells. Cell 142: 284-295.
2.Fan, G., Yang, Y., Li, T., Lu, W., Du, Y., Qiang, X., Wen, Q., and Shan*, W. 2018. A Phytophthora capsici RXLR Effector Targets and Inhibits a Plant PPIase to Suppress Endoplasmic Reticulum-Mediated Immunity. Molecular Plant 11: 1067-1083.
3.Yin, J.L., Gu, B., Huang, G.Y., Tian, Y.E., Quan, J.L., Lindqvist-Kreuze, H., and Shan*, W. 2017. Conserved RXLR effector genes of Phytophthora infestans expressed at the early stage of potato infection are suppressive to host defense. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 2155.
4.Jia, J., Lu, W., Zhong, C., Zhou, R., Xu, J., Liu, W., Gou, X., Wang, Q., Yin, J., Xu, C., and Shan*, W. 2017. The 25–26 nt small RNAs in Phytophthora parasitica are associated with efficient silencing of homologous endogenous genes. Frontiers in Microbiology 8:773.
5.Wang, Q., Li, T., Xu, K., Zhang, W., Wang, X., Quan, J., Jin, W., Zhang, M., Fan, G., Wang, M.-B., and Shan*, W. 2016. The tRNA-derived small RNAs regulate gene expression through triggering sequence-specific degradation of target transcripts in the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora sojae. Frontiers in Plant Science 7: 1938.
6.Pan, Q. N., Cui, B. M., Deng, F. Y., Quan, J. L., Loake, G, and Shan*, W. 2016. RTP1 encodes a novel ER-localized protein in Arabidopsis and negatively regulates resistance against biotrophic pathogens. New Phytologist 209: 1641-1654.
7.Zhu, Q. H., Shan, W., Ayliffe, M. A., Wang, M. B. 2016. Epigenetic mechanisms: An emerging player in plant-microbe interactions. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 29:187-196.
8.Tian, Y., Yin, J., Sun, J., Li, H., Ma, Y., Wang, Q., Quan, J., and Shan*, W. 2016. Population genetic analysis of Phytophthora infestans in northwestern China. Plant Pathology 65:17-25.
9.Meng, Y., Huang, Y., Wang, Q., Wen, Q., Jia, J., Zhang, Q., Huang, G., Quan, J., and Shan*, W. 2015. Phenotypic and genetic characterization of resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana to the oomycete pathogen Phytophthora parasitica. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 378.
10.Meng. Y., Zhang, Q., Zhang, M., Gu, B., Huang, G., Wang, Q., and Shan*, W. 2015.The protein disulfide isomerase1 of Phytophthora parasitica (PpPDI1) is associated with the haustoria-like structures and contributes to plant infection. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 632.
11.Wang, Y., Cordewener, J. H. G., America, A. H. P., Shan, W., Bouwmeester, K., and Govers, F. 2015. Arabidopsis lectin receptor kinases LecRK-IX.1 and LecRK-IX.2 are functional analogs in regulating Phytophthora resistance and plant cell death. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 28: 1032-1048.
12.Tian, Y., Yin, J., Sun, J., Ma, H., Ma, Y., Quan, J., and Shan*, W. 2015. Population structure of the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans in a potato germplasm nursery in two consecutive years. Phytopathology 105: 771-777.
13.Tian, Y., Sun, J., Li, H., Ma, Y., Liu, D, Quan, J., and Shan*, W. 2015. Genetic and phenotypic diversity analysis reveals dominance of a clonal lineage in the Phytophthora infestans from Northern Shaanxi, China. Plant Pathology 64: 200-206.
14.Wang, Y., Bouwmeester, K., Patrick, B., Shan, W., and Govers*, F. 2014. Phenotypic analyses of Arabidopsis T-DNA insertion lines and expression profiling reveal that multiple L-type lectin receptor kinases are involved in plant immunity. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 27: 1390-1402.
15.Meng, Y., Zhang, Q., Ding, W., and Shan*, W. 2014.?Phytophthora parasitica: a model oomycete plant pathogen. Mycology 5:43-51.
16.Wang, Y., Bouwmeester, K., van de Mortel, J. E., Shan, W., and Govers*, F. 2013. Induced expression of defense-related genes in Arabidopsis upon infection with Phytophthora capsici. Plant Signaling & Behavior 8: e24618.
17.Wang, Y., Bouwmeester, K., van de Mortel, J. E., Shan, W., and Govers*, F. 2013. A novel Arabidopsis–oomycete pathosystem: differential interactions with Phytophthora capsici reveal a role for camalexin, indole glucosinolates and salicylic acid in defence. Plant, Cell & Environment 36: 1192-1203.
18.Tyler*, B. M., Kale, S. D., Wang, Q., Tao, K., Clark, H. R., Drews, K., Antignani, V., Rumore, A., Hayes, T., Plett, J. M., Fudal, I., Gu, B., Chen, Q., Affeldt, K. J., Berthier, E., Fischer, G. J., Dou, D., Shan, W., Keller, N. P., Martin, F., Rouxel, T., and Lawrence, C. B. 2013. Microbe-independent entry of oomycete RXLR effectors and fungal RXLR-Like effectors into plant and animal cells is specific and reproducible. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 26: 611-616.
19.Zhang, M., Meng, Y., Wang, Q., Liu D., Quan, J., Hardham, A. R., and Shan*, W. 2012. PnPMA1, an atypical plasma membrane H+-ATPase, is required for zoospore development in Phytophthora parasitica. Fungal Biology 116: 1013-1023.
20.Liu, J., Luo, S. Z., Zhang, Q., Wang, Q. H., Chen, J. F., Guo, A. G., and Shan*, W. 2012. Tn5 transposon mutagenesis in Acidovorax citrulli for identification of genes required for pathogenicity on cucumber. Plant Pathology 61: 364-374.
21.Zhang, M., Wang, Q., Xu, K., Meng, Y., Quan, J., and Shan*, W. 2011. Production of dsRNA sequences in host plant is not sufficient to initiate gene silencing in the colonizing oomycete pathogen Phytophthora parasitica. PLoS ONE 6 (11): e28114.
22.Gu, B., Kale, S. D., Wang, Q., Wang, D., Pan, Q., Cao, H., Meng, Y., Kang, Z. Tyler*, B. M., and Shan*, W. 2011. Rust secreted protein Ps87 is conserved in diverse fungal pathogens and contains a RXLR-like motif sufficient for translocation into plant cells. PLoS ONE 6 (11): e27217.
23.Wang, Y., Meng, Y., Zhang, M., Tong, X., Wang, Q., Sun, Y., Quan, J., Govers, F., and Shan*, W. 2011. Infection of Arabidopsis thaliana by Phytophthora parasitica and identification of variation in host specificity. Molecular Plant Pathology 12: 187-201.
24.Wang, Q., Han, C., Ferreira, A. O., Yu, X., Ye, W., Tripathy, S., Kale, S. D., Gu, B., Sheng, Y., Wang, X., Zhang, Z., Cheng, B., Dong, S., Shan, W., Zheng, X., Dou, D., Tyler, B. M., Wang, Y. 2011. Transcriptional programming and functional interactions within the Phytophthora sojae RXLR effector repertoire. Plant Cell 23: 2064-2086.
25.Liu, T., Ye, W., Ru, Y., Yang, X., Gu, B., Tao, K., Lu, S. Dong, S., Zheng, X., Shan, W., Wang, Y., and Dou*, D. 2011. Two host cytoplasmic effectors are required for pathogenesis of Phytophthora sojae by suppression of host defenses. Plant Physiology 155: 490-501.
26.Narayan, R. D., Blackman, L. M., Shan, W., Hardham*, A. R. 2010. Phytophthora nicotianae transformants lacking dynein light chain 1 produce non-flagellate zoospores. Fungal Genetics and Biology 47: 663-671.
27.Gan, P. H. P., Shan, W., Blackman, L. M., and Hardham*, A. R. 2009. Characterization of cyclophilin-encoding genes in Phytophthora. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 281: 565-578.
28.Hardham, A.R. and Shan, W. 2009. Cellular and molecular biology of Phytophthora-plant interactions. The Mycota,Plant Relationships V, Second Edition, edited by H.B. Deising. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Pp. 3-27.
29.Shan, W., Liu, J., and Hardham*, A. R. 2006. Phytophthora nicotianae PnPMA1 encodes an atypical plasma membrane H+-ATPase that is functional in yeast and developmentally regulated.? Fungal Genetics and Biology 43: 583-592.
30.Shan*, W., Marshall, J. S., and Hardham, A. R. 2004. Gene expression in germinated cysts of Phytophthora nicotianae. Molecular Plant Pathology 5: 317-330.
31.Shan, W. and Hardham*, A. R. 2004. Construction of a bacterial artificial chromosome library, determination of genome size, and characterization of an Hsp70 gene family of Phytophthora nicotianae.? Fungal Genetics and Biology 41: 369-380.
32.Shan, W.,Cao, H., Leung, D., and Tyler*, B. M. 2004. The Avr1b locus of Phytophthora sojae encodes an elicitor and a regulator required for avirulence on soybean plants carrying resistance gene Rps1b. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 17: 394-403.
33.Chamnanpunt, J., Shan, W., and Tyler*, B. M. 2001. High frequency mitotic gene conversion in genetic hybrids of the oomycete Phytophthora sojae. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA 98: 14530-14535.
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