Mingming Yang
Department of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Ya n g l i n g , S h a a n x i , C h i n a 7 1 2 1 0 0 ; E - m a i l : myang@nwsuaf.edu.cn. Cellphone:15398041293.
Work experience:
Lecturer, Department of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, 2014-present
Assistant Scientist, Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State Uni- versity, Pullman, WA, 2011-2013.
Research interests:
1) Biological control of plant disease, plant-microb interaction;
2) To identify genes which affect wheat grain development and improve the grain weight;
3) Wheat breeding
Ph.D. (Plant Pathology), Department of Plant pathology, Nanjing Agricul- tural University, China, 2011.
Professional Experience
Visiting schorlar, Department of Plant Pathology, Washington State Univer- sity, Pullman, WA, 2009-2011.
List of publications and manuscript:
Yang M.M., Mavrodi D V, Thomashow L S, et al. Differential Response of Wheat Cultivars to Pseudomonas brassicacearum and Take-All De- cline Soil. Phytopathology, 2018.
Yang M.M, Gao X, Dong J, et al. Pattern of Protein Expression in De- veloping Wheat Grains Identified through Proteomic Analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8:962.
Yang M.M, Mavrodi D.V, Mavrodi O.V, et al. Construction of a recom- binant strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens, producing both phenazine-1- carboxylic acid and cyclic lipopeptide for the biocontrol of take-all dis- ease of wheat. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 2017:1-12.
Cui Y, Yang M.M, Dong J, Zhao W.C, Gao X. iTRAQ-based quantitative proteome characterization of wheat grains during filling stages. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2017, 16(10):2156-2167.
Yang M.M, Dong J, Zhao W, et al. Characterization of proteins involved in early stage of wheat grain development by iTRAQ. Journal of Pro- teomics, 2016, 136:157.
Yang M.M., Wen S.S., Mavrodi D.V., Mavrodi O.V., Thomashow L.S., Guo J.H., and Weller, D.V. 2014 Biological control of wheat root dis- eases by the CLP-producing strain Pseudomonas fluorescens HC1-07. Phytopathology. 104(3):248-256.
Wang, X, Mavrodi D, Mavrodi, O, Yang M, Thomashow L, Weller D, Zhang J. 2013. Biocontrol and growth-promoting activity of rhizobacte- ria from Chinese fields with contaminated soils. Microb Biotechnol. doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.12158.
Yang, M.M., Xu, L.P., Xue., Q.Y., Yang, J.H., Liu, H.X., Guo, J.H. 2012. Screening Potential Biocontrol Agents Towards Phytophthora capsici on Pepper. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 134:811-820.
Zhan, Y., Xu, Q., Yang, M.M., Yang, H.T., Liu, H.X., Wang, Y.P., Guo,
J.H. 2012. Screening of Freeze-Dried Protective Agents for The Formu- lation of Biocontrol Strains, Bacillus cereus AR156, Burkholderia viet- namiensis B418 and Pantoea agglomerans 2Re40. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 54(1):10-17.
Wen S, Wen N, Pang J, Langen G, Brew-Appiah RA, Mejias JH, Osorio C, Yang M, Gemini R, Moehs CP, Zemetra RS, Kogel KH, Liu B, Wang X, von Wettstein D, Rustgi S. 2012. Structural genes of wheat and barley 5-methylcytosine DNA glycosylases and their potential applications for human health. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 109(50):20543-8.
Yang, M.M., Mavrodi, D.V., Mavrodi, O.V., Bonsall, R.F., Parejko, J.,
Paulitz, T.C., Thomashow., L.S., Yang, H.T., Weller, D.M. and Guo, J.H. 2011. Biological control and mechanisms of suppression of take-all by fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. from Chinese wheat fields. Phytopathol- ogy, 101(12):1481-1491.
Yang, M.M., Guo, J.H., Thomashow, L.S., and Weller, D.M. 2010. Bio- logical control of take-all of wheat by fluorescent Pseudomonas spp. from China. abstract. Phytopathology. 100:S141. 2010 APS Annual Meeting.
Yang M, Fu Y, Feng X., Guo J. 2009. Biological control of take-all dis- ease of wheat by Pseudomonas fluorensce. Phytopathology. 99:S146. 2009 APS Annual Meeting.
Xu, L.P., Yang, T.T., Yang, M.M., Liu, H.X., and Guo, J.H. 2008. Isola- tion of pepper-associated bacteria and evaluation of their antagonistic efficacy against phytopathogenic fungus. 24(6): 896-900. In Chinese, with English abstract.
Book Chapter
Advances in PGPR Research 2017.
1. Jian hua Guo, Ming ming Yang, Hong xia Liu. Biocontrol agent YP1 against the take all disease of wheat. Dec, 21 2011: CN 201110266283.0.
2. Jian hua Guo, Yun Chen, Fang Yan, Ming ming Yang. Bio-control strain 4AT8 capable of preventing and curing various bacterial diseases Aug, 17 2011:CN 201010608662.9.
Thomashow, L. S., Mavrodi, D. V., Mingming Yang., Jibin Zhang and Weller, D. M. 2014. Pseudomonas fluorescens 2-79 with genes for biosyn- thesis of pyrrolnitrin improves biocontrol activity. United States Patent No. 61,793,784
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