实验课程和项目 |
课程名称 |
实验项目 |
有丝分裂制片与观察 |
Slide production and observation of mitosis |
减数分裂制片与观察 |
Slide production and observation of meiosis |
果蝇唾腺染色体观察 Observation of chromosome of Drosophila salivary gland |
果蝇性状观察 traits observation of Drosophila |
遗传学 |
果蝇一二对因子分析 |
Genetics |
Genetic analysis of two pairs of factor of Drosophila |
植物总DNA提取 |
Plant total DNA extraction |
琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测DNA |
Detection of DNA by agarose gel electrophoresis |
植物多倍体诱导和鉴定 |
Induction and identification of plant polyploid |
作物QTL分析 |
QTL analysis of crop |
果蝇伴性遗传分析 Sex-linked inheritance analysis of Drosophila |
Agricultural Biotechnology |
分子标记综合大实验 Comprehensive experiment of molecular marker |
分子克隆综合大实验 Comprehensive experiment of molecular cloning |
基因工程 Genetic Engineering |
基因工程综合大实验 Comprehensive experiment of genetic engineering |
茎段培养 Shoot culture |
胡萝卜形成层培养 Carrot cambium culture |
烟草叶片培养 Tobacco leaf tissue culture |
花药培养 Anther culture |
植物组织与细胞培养 |
幼胚培养 Immature embryo culture |
Plant Tissue and Cell Culture |
原生质体培养 Protoplast culture |
悬浮培养 Suspension culture |
成熟胚培养 Mature embryo culture |
种子净度分析 seed purity analysis |
种子发芽试验 seed Germination Test |
种子检验学 Seed Inspection |
小麦种子醇溶蛋白聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳鉴定品种纯度 Identification of wheat varietal purity by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of seed gliadin |
品种真实性的SSR分子标记分析 Varietal genuineness Test of wheat with SSR Molecular Markers |
种子水分测定标准法和电子仪器速测法 Analysis on seed moisture content between standard drying method and seed moisture measurement |
种子形态构造及幼苗习性观察 Morphological and structural properties of the crop seeds and seedlings |
种子蛋白质含量的测定-考马斯亮蓝法 Seed protein measurement utilizing the principle of Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 staining |
种子生物学 |
种子丙二醛含量的测定 Quantitation of seed malondialdehyde content |
Seed Biology |
种子生活力的四唑染色测定 Seed viability utilizing tetrazolium test |
人工加速老化法测定种子活力 Seed vigor utilizing the accelerated ageing test |
种子形态构造观察与生活力的四唑法测定 Morphological structure observation of seed and viability testing by tetrazolium |
种子物理特性的测定 Determination of physical properties of seeds |
种子学 |
种子的净度分析 seed purity analysis |
Seed Science |
小麦种子醇溶蛋白聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳鉴定品种纯度 Identification of wheat varietal purity by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of seed gliadin |
种子水分测定标准法和电子仪器速测法 Analysis on seed moisture content between standard drying method and seed moisture measurement |
薄层层析和纸层析(1) Thin-layer chromatography and paper chromatography (1) |
薄层层析和纸层析(2) Thin-layer chromatography and paper chromatography (2) |
植物化学 Phytochemistry |
植物体中化学成分的系统预试和单项预试 Systematic and individual pretest of chemical components in plants |
芦丁的提取、纯化与鉴定 Extraction, purification and identification of rutin |
玉米植株形态及类型识别 Plant morphological observation and type identification of maize |
玉米田间测产及单株效能分析 Maize field production determination and its efficency of single plant |
棉花种植质量检验与发芽试验 Planting quality inspection and germination of cotton |
棉花铃期调查与测产 Investigation in boll stage and production determination of cotton |
作物栽培学 |
烟草形态观察及香烟品质鉴定 Tabacoo morphological observation and cigarette quality identification |
Crop Cultivation |
花生形态观察及类型识别 Morphological observation and type identification of peanut |
马铃薯块茎形态及种薯催芽 Morphological observation and germination of potato |
甜菜形态观察及含糖量测定 Morphological observation and sugar content determination of sugar beat |
小麦形态识别与观察 Morphological observation and type identification of wheat |
水稻品质与评价 Quality Investigation and estimation of rice |
棉花类型识别与形态观察 Plant morphological observation and type identification of cotton |
Linux系统操作 |
Linux operation |
生物信息学 |
DNA序列的比对分析 |
Bioinformatics |
Sequences alignment analysis of DNA |
DNA序列分析 |
DNA sequence analysis |
蛋白质序列分析 |
Protein sequence analysis |
计算机数据处理 Computer Data Processing |
SAS 集成环境和数据管理 Integrated environment and data management of SAS |
SAS 编程基础 Foundation of SAS programming |
SAS 基本过程的应用 Application of SAS basic process |
SAS 数据处理应用 Application of SAS data processing |
SAS统计分析软件基本操作 |
Elementary operation of SAS software |
均值和变异数的SAS分析 |
SAS analysis of mean and variance |
试验设计与统计分析 |
单因素试验方差分析 |
Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis |
SAS analysis of ANOVA for single factor |
多因素试验的方差分析 |
SAS analysis of ANOVA for multiple factors |
回归与相关分析 |
SAS analysis of regression and correlation |
淀粉理化性质检测 Starch physical and chemical properties |
农产品加工学 |
油脂感官品质检测 Oil sensory quality test |
Agricultural Products Processing |
面制品加工制作及感官评定 Flour processing and sensory evaluation |
豆制品加工及感官评定 Bean processing and sensory evaluation |
植物产品加工工艺学 Processing Technology of Plant Products |
淀粉光学形貌观察及糊化性质测定 Starch granules optical morphology observation and starch gelatinization properties test |
植物油脂感官品质检测 Vegetable oil sensory quality test |
粮谷作物制品加工及感官品质评价 Cereal processing and sensory quality evaluation |
植物蛋白制品加工及感官品质评价 Vegetable protein processing and sensory quality evaluation |
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